more info !!!!! ( ◍•㉦•◍ )

my likes ... :p
i see cute stuff n i go "ooooo i need"
sanrio ,, hello kitty,my melo, kuromi umm
n a bunch more but i cant remembr their names x_x

san-x,, i luv afro
ken!! n rilakkuma n korilakkuma (i think u spell it tht way) ooo nd

muzic!!! my favs r
melanie martinez, lana del rey, nicole dollanganger, ethel cain,
elita, flower face,, elise, mercy necromancy,, cozy st jean,, blood
girl!!!! but i listen 2 lots :3

films n tv! girl
interrupted, the bad guys, the office, bad education, gravity falls,
emoji movie (yes ik!), wreck-it-ralph ,, ralph breaks the internet,
hello kitty n friends, disney palace pets, mlp, spy nxt door,, n
more but ill run out of space lolz.

sweets, cartoons, disney princesses, stuffies, ice cream , roblox,
cake, mcdonalds, colourin in, makin art ,, angels, angel numbers,
manifestation, girlsgogames eee
go back ^-^